Corona abs workout for riders

Hi guys,

during this exceptional situation we might not be able to go to the gym or to the barn and ride. I wanted to show you an easy abs workout that you can do at home and make sure you are good to go when you get back in the saddle! This is an awesome workout to do for example after a jog.

This movement set is called "core destroyer". Try it out and you know why! This exercise is really good for riders, because it strengthens all the abdominal muscles and also the internal abs that are super important for riders to be able to keep your core in control while riding. 

Do 10 reps and continue straight to the next movement. On the last movement where you are riding "air bicycle" keep doing it as long as you can.  Then keep 60 seconds break and do the same round again. Repeat 4 times. Remember to focus and really do the work with your abs and breathe out during the work phase (lifting your legs) and out when slowly putting them back down 👌🏼💦

Lots of love,


Elina Kytilä

sales & marketing

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